President’s 2021 Giving Season Message

Dear Arkansas,

2021 is about to come to an end, but we don’t want this year to close without saying, “Thank you,” for helping the Celebrate! Maya Project remain an organization that impacts youth and communities around the state – with particular focus in the Arkansas Delta. 

As the new year approaches, please consider making an end-of-year contribution toward our future operations. Your gifts support annual scholarships, youth writing and history immersion workshops, poetry and essay contests, arts contests, student field trips, public forums and more.   

We are excited about 2022 and continuing to celebrate Maya Angelou’s life and legacy through service to youth and work with communities. After all, it’s been our mission since 2014. We have partnered with schools, educators, administrators, counselors, community leaders, nonprofit organizations and, most importantly, parents around the state to create forums that impact young people’s minds and spirits. With your support, we help them find their voices. We dare them to dream. And we apply Dr. Angelou’s life, her journey, her stories and her poetry as a blueprint for learning. 

Research shows that as the world suffers, the children and communities we serve suffer disproportionately. You can help change those dynamics for the future. Dream with us as we imagine and work toward a better future for Arkansas youth and the villages that nurture them.  

Thank you, and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

Janis F. Kearney, President & Founder